Sunday, March 22, 2015

Kitchen Hints of the Day!

For a better Pizza.....

* Substituting low-fat mozzarella for regular cheese lowers saturated fat and cholesterol. Then pile on the veggies for extra fiber and nutrients. And don’t forget the fruit—pears, apples and pineapple make great toppings too!

* Reheating Leftovers the leftovers?......
Preheat your oven (or toaster oven) to 450°F and, for the crispiest crust, arrange the pizza directly on the oven rack. (Place a baking sheet below the rack to catch any oil.) Bake for 5 minutes or until the cheese begins to bubble. Watch closely so the pizza doesn't burn.

* Drizzle Olive Oil Into The Bowl The Dough Rises In. Not only will the olive oil keep the dough from sticking to the bowl while it rises, it also adds elasticity to the dough so it will be easier to roll into a ball then flatten into a pie. Also, be sure to cover the bowl with a dish cloth while it rises. You don't want a completely air-tight seal.

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