Friday, July 31, 2015

Kitchen Hints of the Day!

Thank you to Ben W. for passing these handy grilling tips for Burgers along to share!........

* Use high heat and cook them fast! Like most thin meat products, it's best to apply high and direct heat to your hamburger and cook it as fast as possible.  Leave the lid open, crank up the heat and don't cook them too long or they will dry out.

* Be gentle with that meat! Most people really pack the patties tight and then flatten them down too much.  A loosely packed patty makes for a juicy hamburger!  If you pack your hamburger patties too tight, you run the risk of drying out the meat and making them tough.

* Make a small indent in the middle of each pattie with a press of your thumb.  While it usually only happens if you overwork the beef when forming the patty... from time to time a hamburger can puff up in the middle like a football while it cooks.  Making a slight dimple in the middle of the patty with your thumb will stop swelling dead in its tracks.

* Sprinkle a bit of kosher salt on your burgers before putting them on the grill.  Contrary to popular belief, seasoning your patties with a light pinch of salt will NOT dry out your burgers  there simply isn't enough salt, or time, for it to draw out any moisture.  What it WILL do is wake up and intensify the flavors

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