Tuesday, November 6, 2012

6 Carbs to Add to Your Diet to Help You Stay Slim

A good article on the "Good Carbs" on the Eating Well web site. I left the web link at the bottom of the post so you can read the entire article. Check out the entire site while there it's full of healthy recipes and ideas.

6 Carbs to Add to Your Diet to Help You Stay Slim

Find out which "good" carbs to add to your diet to lose weight.
I’ve never been a fan of low-carb diets: our bodies and our brains need carbohydrates to work effectively. Of course, not all carbohydrates are created equally. First of all, fruits, dairy and vegetables are all sources of carbohydrates. And when it comes to starches, there are indeed “good” carbs (we’ll get to that in a sec) and the “bad” ones that, if you eat them all the time, can raise your risk of developing diseases like heart disease and diabetes. (We’re talking about doughnuts, cakes and even refined white breads.) On the flip side, eating “good carbs” in place of refined ones can reduce your risk of these very same diseases—and may even help you to lose weight because they’re generally rich in feel-full fiber. One study in the Journal of Nutrition found that eating three servings of whole grains a day helped people reduce their total body fat and abdominal fat. Here are 6 “great” carbs to keep in your diet.

1. Whole-Wheat Pasta
Because sometimes you just need pasta—and whole-wheat kinds offer two to three times more fiber than refined white varieties, but they’re just as versatile and delicious....

Click the link below to read the entire article.


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