It's a warm day out there today but with low humidity again. Had a Simple Truth Breakfast Sandwich
with Canadian Bacon for Breakfast. After my morning workout went to Meijer, out of the Envy Apples. Leaving Meijer I was waiting to turn on to I-75 and there was 4 cars ahead of me. The light turned green and the cars ahead just sat there, the driver in front of me started honking his horn. Still no movement and the light turned red. So you can right turn on red if nothing is coming, but still the guy up front just sat there on his cell phone. Then several people were honking and he jumps out of his car, cell phone in hand, and starts yelling, "Shut up, I've got an important phone call." I left out his exact words, it was littered with a lot 4 letter words. Anyway he jumps back in his car so cars started to go around him and when that starts he decides to turn himself. The line of traffic finally got on I-75 and everyone that passed this nut job he was flipping off! Takes all kinds I guess. Just another day in the life! For dinner tonight I prepared a Wild Idea Buffalo 10 oz. New York Strip Steak w/ Baked Steak Fries and Skillet Asparagus.
I received my latest order from Wild Idea Buffalo yesterday afternoon and couldn't wait to have one
one Steak out and let it thaw in the fridge overnight. What beautiful cuts of Buffalo these Steaks are. To prepare it all I'll need is McCormick Grinder Sea Salt and Peppercorn Medley, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. I started by preheating a Cast Iron Skillet on high. Then rubbed a very light coat of the Extra Virgin Olive Oil on both sides of the Steak then seasoned both sides with the Sea Salt and Peppercorn. Once the skillet is hot I added the Steak let it sear on the high heat for about 4 minutes. Then turned it once and cooked for 3 1/2 more minutes to a perfect medium rare. The Steak is every bit as delicious as it looked! The taste so fresh and has a slight sweet taste to it. Moist and tender and so delicious! You just can't beat these Wild Idea Buffalo Steaks, Bison or Beef.
For one side I prepared some baked Ore Ida Steak Fries, seasoned with Sea Salt and Ground Black
Pepper with a side of Hunt's Ketchup for dipping. Then I also prepared some Skillet Asparagus. To prepare this I heated a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. I trimmed and cut the Asparagus and set aside. Added Extra Virgin Olive Oil to pan; swirled to coat. Added the Asparagus to the pan and seasoned with Sea Salt, Black Pepper, and Garlic Salt; cooked about 3 minutes until the Asparagus was crisp-tender and browned and served. Wow, quite a meal! For dessert later a Healthy Choice Dark Fudge Swirl Frozen Greek Yogurt.

10 oz. New York Strip Steak
A classic American favorite, lean and luscious. 10 oz.