Monday, December 30, 2013

Kitchen Hint of the Day!

When you've been buying the same brand for as long as you can remember, it's hard to make the switch to generics. However, you'll be surprised when you find many generic and store-brand products taste exactly the same (or better) for less than half the cost.

* Always buy generic baking ingredients such as flour, oil, and sugar. These generics are indistinguishable from their more-expensive counterparts. Frozen and canned vegetables are also usually exactly the same.

* As for products such as cereals, cookies, and crackers basic is better - most have had good luck with plain granola, potato chips, and wheat crackers.

* No matter what the product, it never hurts to try. If you end up having to throw away one can of soup, you've wasted a dollar or two, but if you like it, you can save a lot over the course of a year.

* Save the boxes from name-brand products your kids are attached to, then empty the generic products into them. Your picky eaters won't know the difference if they can't see it on the outside.

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