Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kitchen Hint of the Day!

Grocery stores make a lot of money on meat, so it's not surprising that they display the priciest cuts in the case! Get dramatic savings by asking the butcher to slice different cuts for you from the same primal or section) of the cow or pig. These cuts can be as little as one - fifth of the cost of the expensive, pre-packaged cuts, and they'll be just as tender and tasty. Here's what to ask for.

* If you're looking for rib eye steak, request chuck eye. You may need to ask the butcher to cut a 4 - inch roast off the front of the boneless chuck, then to peel out the chuck eye and cut it into steaks.

* Instead of pork tenderloin, buy an entire loin roast and ask the butcher to cut it up for you.

* When cross rib roasts are on sale (which is usually quite often), ask the butcher to carve a flatiron roast for you from the cross rib, and ask him to cut it into boneless ribs.

* Instead of buying ground beef, ask the butcher to grind up bottom round roast for you.

* If you like Italian sausages, try asking ground pork shoulder butt. It's also a great substitute for ground beef.

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