Saturday, March 8, 2014

Experiment with Seafood: Skate with Browned Butter

One delicious sounding recipe using Skate. From the PBS Food Recipe website.

Experiment with Seafood: Skate with Browned Butter

Skate is one of those oddities most people see in the seafood case and marvel at the wing-like fillets, but would never consider buying; I used to be one of those people. That all changed one night a number of years ago, after a waiter recommended the skate on their menu. Despite looking like something out of a sci-fi horror film, it was delicious.

Tender and creamy, yet with a fibrous meaty texture that reminds me a bit of braised beef cheeks, skate is loaded collagen, which helps it stay moist even after being thoroughly cooked.....

* Click the link below for the recipe to; Skate with Browned Butter

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