Sunday, February 9, 2014

10 Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables

The more Vegetables the better, and here's 10 Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables. It's all from the Diabetic Living On Line web site.

10 Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables
Discover 10 sneaky ways to eat more veggies using the superstars of the produce department. Even in brownies!

Tips to Sneak In Veggies
Any nutritionist will tell you that eating plenty of vegetables is the cornerstone of good health. After all, veggies are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants, and the necessary dietary fiber to help control blood sugar numbers. What's more, in a recent Pennsylvania State University study, adults who consumed meals that incorporated more veggies took in as many as 357 fewer calories throughout the day. But reaching your daily quota doesn't mean you have to resort to nibbling on salads and choking down carrot sticks. The trick is to find ways to seamlessly sneak vegetables into some of your favorite dishes. Here's proof that getting those extra servings can be easy and delicious.

Whip It Good: Spinach
Smoothies can be a great way to sneak in more nutritionally charged dark leafy greens, such as spinach and kale. When blended with sweet and tangy foods, such as frozen berries and Greek yogurt, their flavor will blend right in, so to speak....

Under Wraps: Lettuce
To cut down on carbs and up your vitamin intake, use large lettuce leaves, such as romaine or Bibb, instead of flour tortillas for wrapping up your lunchtime sandwich. Or use the green giants in place of corn shells to add a twist to taco night....

* Click the link below to get all 10 Easy Ways to Eat More Vegetables

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