Friday, September 20, 2013

Kitchen Hint of the Day!

If you have kids who don't like vegetables, you'll love this clever way to get more nutrients into them. If you have too many fruits and vegetables to use before they go bad, puree them in a blender with a little bit of lemon juice, then freeze. Defrost and add to sauces, soups, stews, enchiladas, and more - your kid won't be able to taste the difference! The key is making sure you don't dramatically alter the color of the dish you're serving. So if you're making a white sauce, for instance, try a puree of cauliflower and summer squash. Tomato based sauces can usually handle one part "green puree" for every four parts tomato sauce. Pureed fruit works great in muffin recipes or mixed ice cream. So grind up that broccoli and spinach and get going!

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