Dinner Tonight: Bacon Blue Buffalo Burger w/ Baked Fries

For Breakfast this morning I made some Simply Potatoes Shredded Hash Browns, Heated up some Meijer Diced Ham, fried an Egg Sunnyside Up, made a cup of Bigelow Decaf Green Tea. I made a bed of the Hashbrowns in a bow and sprinkled some Sargento Reduced Fat Sharp Cheddar Cheese. Next I put the Diced Ham over top the Hash Browns then put the Sunnyside Up Egg on to top it off! One delicious Breakfast! Outside partly cloudy and 84 degrees. Took Mom's car up to be washed and the inside cleaned. Then stopped by the bank. Next took my car up to have it washed and stopped and got gas. Not a lot going on today, watched some College Football. For Dinner tonight a Bacon Blue Buffalo Burger w/ Baked Fries.

I’m having another one of the Wild Idea Buffalo – BACON BLUE BURGER. I've had a couple of
these now and love them! This time I’m adding a couple of slices of Simple Truth Hickory Smoked Bacon. Love these new Wild Idea Buffalo Products. It comes frozen and there’s 3 – 1/3 lb. Burger Patties. The Premium Ground Buffalo is mixed with Wild Idea Buffalo Bacon, Blue Cheese, and seasoning. I’ll be preparing it as I do all Wild Idea Buffalo Burgers.

To prepare it I’ll need; Wild Idea Buffalo – BACON BLUE BURGER, McCormick Grinder Sea Salt and Black Peppercorn, Simple Truth Hickory Smoked Bacon (2 slices), Jack Daniel’s Honey Smokehouse BBQ Sauce, and a Aunt Millie’s Reduced Calorie Whole Grain Hamburger Bun.

To start it I seasoned it with the McCormick Grinder Sea Salt and Black Peppercorn, lightly seasoned.I then pan fried it, on medium heat, in Extra Light Virgin Olive Oil about 4 minutes per side. Buffalo gets done rather quickly due to it’s so lean. As the Burger was cooking I fried the 2 slices of the Simple Truth Hickory Smoked Bacon. To serve the Burger I grabbed the Bun and added the Burger, topped it with some of the BBQ Sauce, and topped it with the Bacon. Every bite you can taste the Bacon and the Blue Cheese and there was bits of the Buffalo Bacon throughout the Burger. The added Bacon worked great! This Burger is quickly becoming a favorite! Just a flat out excellent Burger!

Then for a side I baked some Alexia Organic Yukon Select Fries. Seasoned them with McCormick Grinder Sea Salt and Black Peppercorn Medley. Baked them at 425 degrees for 16 minutes. They bake up beautifully and seasoned just right! Plus they are only 120 calories and 15 net carbs. Served them with a sprinkle of Crumbled Blue Cheese on top. For dessert later a Weight Watcher’s Cookies and Cream Ice Cream Bar.
Our 100% prairie grass-fed Premium Ground Buffalo mixed with our 100% Buffalo Bacon, Blue Cheese and just the right amount of seasoning! For additional flavor try it with grape jelly or your favorite preserve – absolutely scrumptious! We did the work for you and… you’re welcome! Three one-third pound handcrafted burgers per package.
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