Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Kitchen Hints of the Day!

Soda Solutions

Hint #1 - When you pour a warm soft drink over ice cubes, the gas escapes from the beverage at a fast rate because the ice cubes contain more surface area for the gas bubbles to collect on, thus releasing more of the carbon dioxide. This is the reason that warm beverages go flat rapidly, and warm drinks poured over ice go flat even faster. To slow down the process, add ice after you've poured the drink and the bubbles have dissipated.

Hint #2 - Yes, there is a way to keep open soda from going flat. Not for a month, but for an hour or so. Leave an open can or bottle inside a sealed Ziploc bag while you run out to your errands, and it will still be bubbly when you get back.

Hint #3 - Have you ever had the problem of soda fizzing over the top of an ice-filled glass? Her's a quick trick that will make the cubes fizz less. Put them in the glass first, then rise them for a few seconds. Pour out the water and add the soda. Since the surface tensions of the ice will have changed, the soda won't fizz over.

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