Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fried Pork Chop w/ Green Beans, Baked Potato, and Whole Grain Bread

Dinner Tonight: Fried Pork Chop w/ Green Beans, Baked Potato, and Whole Grain Bread

Went to the store at about 7:00 this morning. I wanted to get everything done before it started to heat up outside. As our weatherman said for the forecast for today, HHH. Hazy, Hot, and Humid! And that it was today. Still amazed at price difference between Walmart and Kroger on the so called "Inner Aisles", Pasta, Baked Goods , Crackers and such. So much money can be saved by just looking at the prices. For dinner tonight I prepared a Fried Pork Chop w/ Green Beans, Baked Potato, and Whole Grain Bread.

I grabbed a Pork Loin Chop out of the freezer before going to bed last night and let it thaw overnight in the fridge.I love baking chops but this one wasn't that thick so I decided to pan fry it. I mixed some flour and seasoned it with Sea Salt, Ground Black Pepper, Garlic Powder, and Hungarian Paprika and rolled the Chop in it till both sides were well coated. I fried it in Canola Oil about 3 minutes per side till it was a nice golden brown. Nothing like a good Chop every now and then!

For sides to go with the Chop I baked a Potato that I seasoned with Sea Salt and Ground Black Pepper and topped with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light. I also heated up a can of Del Monte Cut Green Beans and A couple of slices of Healthy Life Whole Grain Bread. For dessert later a Del Monte Diced Mango Cup.

* A little info about Pork from

Pork Nutritional Information

Today’s Pork Leaner Than Ever
A Study released in 2006 by the USDA reveals six common cuts of fresh pork are leaner today than they were fifteen years ago. A study released in 2006 by the USDA reveals six common cuts of fresh pork are leaner today than they were fifteen years ago – on average about 16 percent lower in total fat and 27 percent lower in saturated fat. What’s more, pork tenderloin is now as lean as skinless chicken breast. The study found a 3-ounce serving of pork tenderloin contains only 2.98 grams of fat, whereas a 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken breast contains 3.03 grams of fat.

MyPlate Food Guidance System
MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully using the familiar mealtime visual of a place setting. In June 2011, First Lady Michelle Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack unveiled MyPlate, the federal government's primary food group symbol, to serve as a reminder to help consumers make healthy food choices consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. MyPlate is a new generation icon with the intent to prompt consumers to think about building a healthy plate at meal times.

Lean pork is recognized as a nutritious choice in the Meat & Beans Group. In fact, the MyPyramid information identifies lean cuts of pork, such as chops and ham. Most Americans don’t realize that many pork cuts are as lean as skinless chicken – and a great source of high-quality protein. Protein provides a feeling of fullness at meals, which can help make you feel satisfied without overindulging at the dinner table. When shopping, make sure to look for lean sources of pork with the word “loin” in the name, such as pork tenderloin or loin chop.

Vitamins and Minerals in Pork
Daily Values are listed on food labels. They tell us how much of various nutrients we should consume each day. The following information is based on a 3-ounce serving of pork. As you can see, pork is an important source of many key nutrients.

Did you know that pork is an “excellent” source of thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, phosphorus and protein and a “good” source of zinc and potassium? These nutrients are important to our health. Read below to learn how these nutrients impact your health as well as the percent Daily Values are listed on food labels. They tell us how much of various nutrients we should consume each day. The following information is based on a 3-ounce serving of pork. As you can see, these key nutrients make pork a nutrient-dense food!

Nutrient % Daily Value (DV)* Why It's Good For You
Iron 5% Getting enough iron is a problem for some women, especially women of child-bearing age. Heme iron (found in meat) is absorbed more readily than nonheme iron (found in plant-based foods). Thus, anyone who avoids meat without the help of their health professional may increase their risk of iron-deficiency anemia.
Magnesium 6% Important for the normal function of many enzymes (catalysts for the body's chemical reactors), glucose and muscle action.
Phosphorous 20% Strengthens bones and generates energy in cells.
Potassium 11% This mineral, also known as an electrolyte, plays a major role in water balance and helps maintain normal blood pressure.
Zinc 14% A component of more than 70 enzymes, zinc is a key player in energy metabolism and the immune system.
Thiamin 54% Without this key vitamin, metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat would be significantly compromised. Animal protein is one of the best sources of this nutrient, and among the choices, pork is tops.
Riboflavin 19% Next to milk, there are few foods that have as much riboflavin per serving as pork. Riboflavin has an important role in the release of energy from foods.
Niacin 37% Important for the normal function of many enzymes in the body and involved in the metabolism of sugars and fatty acids.
Vitamin B12 8% Helps build red blood cells and metabolize carbohydrates and fats.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 37% Important for the normal function of enzymes and co-enzymes, which are needed to metabolize protein, carbohydrates and fats. Plus, it plays a critical role in the regulation of glycogen (stored carbohydrates) metabolism

Fat in Pork
Through changes in feeding and breeding techniques, pork producers have responded to consumer demand for leaner pork. Today’s common cuts of pork are 16% leaner and has 27% less saturated fat as compared to 1991. Many cuts of pork are as lean as skinless chicken.

Through changes in feeding and breeding techniques, pork producers have responded to consumer demand for leaner pork. Today's pork has 16% less fat and 27% less saturated fat as compared to 1991. Many cuts of pork are now as lean as skinless chicken. The cuts below meet the guidelines for “lean” (less than 10 g fat, 4.5 g sat fat and 95 mg cholesterol). Pork tenderloin meets the guidelines for “extra lean” (less than 5 g fat, 2 grams of sat fat and 95 mg cholesterol).

The USDA has analyzed pork for trans-fatty acids. The results confirm that pork contains no artery-clogging trans-fat.

Trimmed pork tenderloin and skinless chicken breast have the same amount of total fat content. In addition, six cuts of pork in the chart have total fat content between the skinless chicken breast and skinless chicken thigh:


How much fat should I be eating?
For your good health, the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends consuming 20-35% of calories as fat and less than 10% of calories as saturated fat by selecting foods that are lean or low-fat. The guidelines for cholesterol are no more than 300 milligrams per day. Pork easily fits into a balanced eating plan as suggested by the Dietary Guidelines. Lean pork not only provides a host of vitamins and minerals, but has fat and saturated fat levels equivalent to skinless chicken.
Fat Intake Guidelines
Calories Total Fat (20 - 35% of calORIES) Saturated Fat (10% of calORIES)
1,600 (many sedentary women) 36-62 grams 17 grams
2,200 (active women, many sedentary men) 49-86 grams 24 grams
2,800 (many active men, some very active women) 62-109 grams 31 grams
Can I cut fat and still keep great taste?

Preparing healthy meals that feature pork starts at the supermarket and ends at the table. The following checklist will help you achieve the results you want:

Get a lean start
* Use cuts with the words "loin" or "round" in their name for the leanest meats, such as pork tenderloin or loin chop.
*Cuts with minimal visible fat are the leanest.
Develop an eye for size

* Portion control is key to reaching and maintaining a healthful weight.
* Follow the MyPyramid guidelines and eat 5 to 7 ounces (for adults) from the meat group each day, depending on your calorie needs.
* A 3-ounce serving of trimmed, cooked meat is about the size of a deck of cards.
Skim and trim
Remove excess fat prior to cooking – it can cut total fat content per serving in half.
Skim fat from pan juices after pan-broiling.
Cook it light
* Use low-fat cooking methods, like grilling, broiling, stir-frying and pan-broiling to maximize flavor while keeping added fat to a minimum.
* Broil, grill or roast on a rack, so natural fat from meat drips away.
* Cook thin cuts of meat quickly, with little or no fat, by pan-broiling or "dry sautéing" in a non-stick skillet with a little juice or broth.
* Add stock, wine or fruit juice to the skillet after meat is removed; heat and stir; then use as a low-fat sauce or glaze.
* Stir-fry with vegetable cooking spray or a small amount of flavored oil.
* Marinate for flavor and juiciness, with juice, wine-flavored vinegar or fat-free dressing instead of oil-based marinades.
Spice for life
* Season meats with herbs and spices (other than salt) to boost flavor and cut back on fat and salt at the same time. Rub herbs and spices onto pork before grilling, broiling or roasting.
* Experiment with different seasonings to discover exciting new ways to enjoy healthful eating.
S-T-R-E-T-C-H flavorful, higher-fat ingredients
* Use favorite foods like sharp cheeses and herb-flavored oils to flavor your dishes, but cut the amount in half.
* Use low-fat cheeses or whipped or reduced-fat butter.
Lighten-up on the ladle
* To get the most benefit from the vegetables you're eating, use less of a regular salad dressing, or use a fat-free variety or herb-flavored vinegar instead.
* Choose cream-based sauces and gravies less often than sauces made with skim milk or fat-free broth.

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