I used the Wild Idea Buffalo 8oz. Buffalo Teres Major Fillets that I had just ordered from Wild Idea.
It’s sometimes tough to find these Steaks, they sell out as soon as they become available because they are so tender! Beyond any doubts one of the most tender cuts of any steak, Beef or Buffalo, you can find. I pan fried it in Extra Light Olive Oil and seasoned it with a bit of Crushed Dry Thyme along with McCormick Grinder Sea Salt and Black Peppercorn. I fried it about 4 minutes on one side and about 3 1/2 minutes on the other side, it gets done very quickly because it’s so lean. The Fillet came out medium rare with a beautiful char on it! These Wild Idea Buffalo Teres Major Steaks are tender and delicious, love them! I also prepared some Sauteed Mushrooms to go with my Steak. I don’t think there’s a better partner for Steak than Mushrooms!

Butternut Squash! And this too has quickly become a favorite. I purchased 1 small package of Diced Butternut Squash at Kroger. They sell packages of it that they dice up. This is a lot easier than peeling and seeding one yourself, especially if you don’t have a good knife to cut it. I’ll need; 1 package of Diced Butternut Squash, Crumbled Bacon Bits, 1 tablespoons Extra Light Olive Oil, 1 1/2 teaspoons McCormick Grinder Sea Salt, and 1 teaspoon McCormick Grinder Peppercorn Medley.

Olive Oil, Salt, and Peppercorn and toss well. Arrange the squash in one layer and roast for 25 to 30 minutes, until the Squash is tender, turning once with a spatula. And done, very easy to prepare. With the small amount of Seasoning and Olive Oil, it really brings out the flavor of Butternut Squash!

Wild Idea Buffalo – 8 OZ. TERES MAJOR FILET
The Teres Major, also known as the Shoulder Tender, is second most tender cut on the animal. Cut from the blade of the shoulder within the primal chuck, it is considered to be of similar quality to the filet mignon with its mouth-watering flavor and tenderness.
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