Friday, May 13, 2016

Thank you Jennie - O!

Thank you Jennie - O for brightening up a stressful day yesterday! I had spent the morning at the hospital supporting a friends family while he was under going a 3 hour operation, which he came through perfectly. Afterward I just wanted to get home and relax a bit. As I got pulled in the driveway I noticed a box on the ramp leading to the house. As I got to the ramp in my wheelchair I seen the familiar design logo and colors of Jennie - O!

Took the box inside and opened it up finding a 1 lb. package of Jennie - O Lean Ground Turkey and a package of the always delicious Jennie - O Seasoned Turkey Burgers. I get these free samples, recipes, and coupons  from Jennie - O time to time as member of their SWITCH Club. They have so many delicious and healthy products that can make many healthy dinner dishes. If you haven't already it's time you make the SWITCH to Jennie - O! And thank you again Jennie - O!

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